Greg Bullock (2nd left) EADES WELL DRILLING, Ontario Groundwater Association Executive Meeting, with Honourable Jim Bradley (3rd left) Minister of the Environment.

Greg Bul­lock (2nd left) EADES WELL DRILLING, Ontario Ground­wa­ter Asso­ci­a­tion Exec­u­tive Meet­ing, with Hon­ourable Jim Bradley (3rd left) Min­is­ter of the Environment.

Expert Well Drilling Services
Water Pump Pressure Systems
Four Decades of Service

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Gregory Bullock President

Professional Water Supply For All Needs

Mission Statement

At EADES WELL DRILLING INC, our pur­pose is to oper­ate as a busi­ness that pro­vides fresh, reli­able ground­wa­ter sys­tems to our rur­al clients. EADES prides itself on qual­i­ty of work­man­ship and under­stands the val­ue of water on a coun­try property.

Greg is lit­er­al­ly a man of the earth, a trained pro­fes­sion­al who knows and under­stands well drilling. Being around well drilling from youth, Greg has seen almost every con­di­tion there is in bring­ing the life-giv­ing liq­uid to the surface.

Water is every­where and is tak­en for grant­ed dai­ly in our soci­ety. Else­where in the world, water is not tak­en for grant­ed, where it is a sus­tain­er of life, a grow­er of crops and food to eat or to be feared, a medi­um of pathogens har­bour­ing dis­ease and ali­ment or worse.

Even Eli, played by Den­zel Wash­ing­ton, in the movie THE BOOK OF ELI (2010), by chance, encoun­ters an aban­doned house. Upon enter­ing the house and ensur­ing his per­son­al safe­ty, went to the kitchen sink first thing and turned on the tap to fill his deplet­ed water can­teen. The groan and moan of emp­ty, clat­ter­ing pipes, echoed his disappointment.

Not a drop from the pipes to be found in the post-apoc­a­lyp­tic world, where fresh­wa­ter became every­thing. Water had become a lux­u­ry, a cur­ren­cy of life.

The Book Of Eli 2010 with Mila Kunis as Solara, hold­ing Eli’s can­teen of fresh drink­ing water, Carnegie’s barter-town currency.

Greg under­stands the impor­tance of water, not only the mechan­ics of avail­abil­i­ty and bring­ing it to the sur­face, but the pres­sure and pump­ing sys­tems nec­es­sary to pro­vide ade­quate sup­ply and pres­sure for enjoy­ment in the House­hold and to the demand­ing require­ments of Agri­cul­ture and Indus­try alike.

Locating water is not only a science, it is a craft.

Greg is an accom­plished licensed pro­fes­sion­al, and rec­og­nized leader, past Pres­i­dent and Board Mem­ber of the Ontario Ground Water Asso­ci­a­tion, he teach­es the sci­ence and engi­neer­ing of Well Drilling at the Col­lege Lev­el and gives teach­ing engage­ments around the Province.

Called upon by Envi­ron­men­tal and Engi­neer­ing Con­sult­ing Firms, EADES WELL DRILLING con­ducts many sophis­ti­cat­ed and involved Sub­ter­ranean Ground Water Studies.

After the dev­as­ta­tion of Haiti by Hur­ri­cane Tomas in 2009, EADES WELL DRILLING spon­sored a much-need­ed com­mu­ni­ty well for the health and well-being of every­one in the vil­lage. Read more about Haiti and EADES WELL DRILLING Third World Support.

Where You Buy From Is As Important As What You Buy

EADES WELL DRILLING is trust­ed by pro­fes­sion­als, and so can you. Whether a new water well or old, shal­low well or deep, low yield well to deep water pumps and tanks, to con­tin­ued ser­vice of pumps, trou­bleshoot­ing, repair or replace­ment, sales and ser­vice. We are the com­pa­ny to call. +1 705 374 5480 or 1 877 270 9355 (WELL)