EADES WELL DRILLING Haitian Support Program Safe Drinking Water Zabitant 1 Well School Children

Hatian Support Program
Safe Drinking Water

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Zabitant №.1 Well
Plain Du Nord
A Lifewater Project in Haiti

Afridev Ser­i­al #1266 ; TDS 375 ; Tem­per­a­ture 28

Thank You Letter to EADES WELL DRILLING from Zabitant Community, Plain Du Nord, Haiti

To whom it may concern :

It has been sev­er­al years since we have had water at the end of the path for our com­mu­ni­ty. At first we could get water from the school dug well, but every­one start­ed to get sick from drink­ing there. Then stu­dents and mem­bers of the local vil­lage had to walk all the way to the nation­al road to access water from the pump, which was a very long walk for us.

Now we are very hap­py to have a pump close to home and we will take very good care of it.

We are all very grate­ful and say a big thanks to you for help­ing us with this need.

The Com­mu­ni­ty Members
Zabi­tant, Haiti

Zabi­tant Village

Long wind­ing path to Zabi­tant Village

New Well Final Water Yield Test

EADES WELL DRILLING New pump and safe well water excitement.

EADES WELL DRILLING is proud to be part of Zabi­tant Com­mu­ni­ty’s well being by sup­ply­ing fresh water and extrac­tion system.