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Water Quality is King
H2O is Profit – Money In The Bank
Water has a direct correlation to product quality and product quantity, regardless of market prices.
In short, the better the water, the better the livestock. Responsible agricultural operations practicing good husbandry understand water is the pivotal point to all operations. Happy, stress free animals grow larger, eat more forage, are more disease resistant and are better producers in all respects including sound and strong offspring.
Health is Wealth
Good water quality and delivery systems help provide bacteria and disease free animals. Water is directly and indirectly relevant to many aspects of water metabolism and physiology in both humans and animals. Provision of large amounts of high quality,
fresh, clean water is imperative for wellbeing.
The requirement for fresh water is influenced by numerous factors such as the animal’s activity, air temperature, humidity, respiratory rate, water intake, feed consumption, and several physiological factors such as age, reproductive status (e.g. dry, pregnant, lactating), milk production and many other factors.
Happy, healthy, and stress free animals with unlimited, fresh clean water are the primary factors, other than genetics, (both have a cause and effect correlation) to overall livestock profitability.
Water quality may change over time and previous analysis is not a indicator of current quality. Water sources need to be tested regularly.
Agricultural | Livestock | Irrigation
Strong healthy livestock to lush green bountiful crops rely on clean water for disease free growth and life itself. Plenty of water, pressure systems to deliver it where needed, assists Mother Nature to do her thing.
Water Pressure For All Requirements
Clean drinking water is one thing, pressure systems for all delivery requirements is another. Shallow wells, deep wells, low yield wells, cisterns, holding tanks to high yield flow wells and direct delivery have different requirements. EADES WELL DRILLING provides submersible pumps, surface pumps, pressure systems and tanks for your requirments.
Problematic water wells and pumps ?
A little knowledge is dangerous. Bacteria may be introduced to the well when pumps are removed for repair and laid on the ground. To the untrained eye, what is seen is not understood. Other symptoms and future problems can be diagnosed by a trained professional with preventative measures taken. Other problems such as IRBs and SRBs (as well as other bacteria) can exist naturally in groundwater. Leave all water system repairs to the professionals. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.
EADES WELL DRILLING AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS provides source water to delivery and pressure systems for all agricultural requirements.