Residential & Light Commercial
Well Water and Water Pump Pressure Systems
New Drilled Water Wells
CALL EADES NOW 1 705 374 5480 | 1 877 270 9355 |
Water is the liquid of life, pure and simple. EADES WELL DRILLING is literally in the dirt now for Four Decades, finding cool, sweet water for your home, farm and business needs with our PureFlow™ Systems.
Thought du Jour
Well Water Systems – The Game Play
The excitement of a new home is a thrilling experience. In the planning phase, floor plan, heating and central air conditioning, rooms, en suite, bathrooms, fixtures, windows, doors, flooring, staircases, exterior siding or brick, landscaping, in-ground sprinkler systems, décor and colour motif, fill the planning hours. The electrical service is decided upon and the plumber is doing his thing.
Wait ! Something is missing ! What about the water ? Where is it going to come from ? Oh ! Yes ! The Well. It’s just a hole in the ground and then there will be water for all needs…right ? The well can go anywhere correct?… maybe there or over there ?
What do you mean the Mortgage Company or Bank may want to see water flow tests and water quality results before the mortgage is approved ?
The proverbial detail pin is about to burst the new home dream bubble. You mean to tell me my home is virtually worthless without a proper well ?
Unfortunately yes ! No water, no life, it’s as simple as that.
The Ground Game
You meant to tell me, the water comes first ? Yes it does, without water, the rest does not matter. What do you mean the rest doesn’t matter … the house is going to be beautiful. Yes it will be beautiful, however, without proper water supply and pressure system, the quality of modern life within becomes a misery.
A well is not an endless supply from potable municipal systems. You can’t simply hook up the garden hose, drag it to the pool and fill it for a week. It doesn’t work that way.
A well and proper delivery system including pressure and arterial supply make for a happy home with all the household water needs met and more. A well to give long service needs to be planned and looked after.
What does all this mean ?
It means with proper planning, delivery system, pressure tanks and proper plumbing a dishwasher coming on does not reduce the shower to a trickle nor does the kitchen sink cold water tap turning on for a drink produce scalding shower results elsewhere. It’s a process of balances. WELL + Water + Pump + Sustained Delivery + Pressure System + Arterial Plumbing = Good Living.
Where do I start ?
EADES WELL DRILLING is your new home team member, a stake holder in ensuring water for all needs. Call us now ! +1 705 374 5480 | 1 877 270 9355